So many clients come to my office wanting help making decisions about what to do with a certain situation in their lives. More often than not therapy is not even needed if they would only heed on thing:
Listen to their intuitions. Most people already know what they want or need to do when they come to my office. They just don't trust it.
When I was younger I used to do the same thing. My instincts or intuition would tell me something, usually warning me that something was wrong: wrong with a relationship, wrong with a job, wrong with a situation. But because I couldn't "see" what the problem was, because it wasn't concrete and laid out in black and white, I didn't trust what that inner voice was telling me. I think our brains are much more perceptive of very tiny signals in the environment than we are aware. We read body language, inflection and human interactions with a clarity and sagacity that is innate. These perceptions are recorded in our brains and assessments are made based upon them without our conscious awareness. And this is what feels like intuition. We read something in the environment that tells us the situation is "off" in some way. So we "feel" that something is wrong, but don't trust it because we have nothing concrete on which to base it. So we outsmart it. We outreason it. We outthink it. And we mess up our lives.
As I've gotten older I've learned to listen to this voice - and trust it. It has never misled me. Learning to listen to my instincts and intuitions has not only increased my confidence in my own abilities, but has helped me avoid situations in which I had previously found myself (i.e. a bad relationship, a dead end job, an unfortunate social situation).
Likewise, most people know what they need to do to get "better". Whether they want a better relationship, more satisfying work or a fulfilling life they usually have ideas about how to go about that. But they are afraid to listen to them. Clients will come to me knowing that they need to end an unhealthy relationship or get another job or get out and pursue their dreams in order to have a better life, but they are afraid to trust what they know. A lot of my work is merely confirming for people what they have already decided must be done. Fear of change contributes to this lack of momentum, but once people trust that what they know is sound, fear melts away. So I believe that is where the primary obstacle lies.
So listen to that inner voice and trust what it tells you. It is wiser than you realize and has your best interests at heart.